Saturday, February 21, 2009

Have you said I love you today?

Yesterday was such a normal day!  In the morning I went and helped in Daphne's class.  Picked Andy up for lunch.  Sorted out the Girl Scout cookies to be delivered. Talked to my friend on the phone for way too long (as usual).  Got some stuff together for Girl Scouts World Thinking Day, where the local troops get together and learn about Girl Scouts in other countries, with a lot of food and treats.  I left a little early to pick up 2 sisters that are in our troop, because their Dad just had back surgery and wasn't up to driving them (the Mom isn't in the picture), and we were off.

World Thinking Day was your typical fun and crazy group activity.  The girls were wild and  loving it, and the adults were busy, busy, busy and vowing to simplify next year.  Finally at about 8:30 I dropped of the girls and headed home.  Tucked Daph in bed, vegged a little and went to bed.  Even this morning seemed so normal at our house.  Daph got up early, we fixed breakfast, did some shopping etc.  

Then I got a call from our troop leader.  Remember the sisters I dropped off last night?  Well this morning was anything but normal for them.  Sometime during the night their Dad had passed away and the 2nd grader was the one to find him.  My heart was breaking as Trish told me.  Finding a love one dead is my worst fear, and I just can't imagine if I was a 2nd grader and a kindergartner.

They are afraid that he may have accidentally overdosed on his pain medication.  I just kept thinking about when I dropped the girls off, was he slurring his words was there something I should have noticed, would their Dad still be here if I had?

At least their Grandma and Aunt live in town, and are here for them. But I just can't imagine what they are going through right now!  I suddenly remembered in the car they were talking about how much they had liked Steve Irwin, and how awful the felt for his children to have lost their Dad, and now 12 hours later their in the same spot.

We've told the Grandma to let us know whatever we can to do help.  There are several of us more than willing to do what we can.  But I keep trying to think of something special I can do for the girls.  For my friends I'd send flowers to let them know I'm thinking of them and that they are in my prayers, but is that appropriate for little girls.  What else can I do?  I've thought about offering that when they are ready I would take some of the Dad's clothes and make something for each girl, I just don't know.  If anyone has any ideas please let me know and please keep these little girls in your prayers. 

And remember to hug those important to you and tell them how lucky you are to have them in your life, because this just reminded me that you never know how long you have with them!


Janet said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your girls' dad. My dad died so long ago that I don't ever remember a time when he was here. It seems that possibly the best immediate thing you could do for them is provide a way for them to keep busy. Perhaps a scrapbook or a building set would keep their hands occupied and allow them to create while they're dealing with their loss. In a few weeks (when most people will have moved on and they'll finally be alone to grieve) you could offer to take them somewhere and provide some sort of activity (like the zoo, swimming, etc). This might also be a good opportunity for the troop to plan something special to let the girls know they are thinking of them. Our 4-H club always offers to prepare the food for after the funeral. Unfortunately we've had several funerals for families in our group in the past few years.

Pretty Things said...

OMG that is awful! I just can't wrap my mind around things like that.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

Gah ... I just remember how my world stopped when my dad died and I was 20 ... poor little girls. Breaks my heart. Hugs, even if you're not a big hugger, hugs, for when there aren't words and you can't hug the person you miss.