Friday, March 20, 2009

My Twilight DVD came today!!!!

You wouldn't think I'd be this excited, but I am.  You'd think after watching it 4 times in the theatre it would be boring, but it's not.  

Who knew when my friend made me read her book that this would happen!

Oh well I guess my sewing projects won't get any further tonight!


Janet said...

You're crazy. You do know that, right?

Pretty Things said...

I'm trying to decide if I want to see the movie, since I have a thing about watching movies when I've read the book.

I'm also bad about watching movies. I still have Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3, still in shrink wrap, from two and three Christmas's ago. That's just sad.

Amy said...

This movie is good even if you really like the books. They did a good job keeping the feel of the book. Plus there are some points in the movie that are just plain funny, not on purpose, just because it's hard to put those parts of the book onto film. If you do see it, just don't take it too seriously, just enjoy the movie.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

The movie makes me laugh it is so ... (some word that isn't offensive, but indicates that I really don't have any appreciation for the film).

Whaaa.... the books, the movie - entertaining but not awe-inspiringly so ...

let me just stop opining now.

Chrys said...

I picked up my copy on Monday was a long weekend and I never made it out to the stores....Happy to watch it at home without an audience of teenagers screaming each time Edward comes on the screen. :) ;)